Dock anses vissa bara utövas av shiamuslimer, så som taqiyya, som innebär undanhållandet av ens religiösa övertygelser när man fruktar för 


Taqiyya comes from the Quran in Islam and the word derives from the verb "Ittaqu" which means "protection" in that they deceive, manipulate and fool the enemies or threats against Islam by lying, simulations, deception, manipulation and illusions etc. to protect and promote Islam by preventing Islam's dirty tricks and intentions to be revealed.

1. Hadith  I Sunan EbnMajeh hadith nr 1990 Abdullah berättar att han har hört sin far Taqiyya är ett verktyg för muhammedaner som vill dölja islams  (Sunan Abu-Dawood Hadith 2631 Berättad av Ka'b ibn Malik). Http:// (Taqiyya eller Kitman). Enligt Bibeln: Ja Nej. Enligt Koranen: Ja Nej. Enligt min att förstå de Heliga Böckerna korrekt?

Taqiyya hadith

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28 Apr 2017 Islamophobes claim that there is a doctrine in Islam that teaches Muslims that they must lie to non-Muslims. This doctrine is called taqiyya. Madelung, Religious and. Ethnic Movements in Medieval Islam (Aldershot, 1992) . Etan Kohlberg - 9789004406971.

Inom olika delar av islam är Taqiyya en islamisk juridisk term som under olika förhållanden tillåter en muslim att ljuga enligt Sharialagarna. Taqiyya(also spelled taqiyaor taqiyyah) is lying to advance or protect Islam (taqiyyaliterally means "prevention").


The main difference between Taqiyya and lying is that with Taqiyya is that with lying you’re oppressing the other who expects you to speak the truth. In a book chapter, "Taqiyya: War and Deceit in Islam", 28 Ibrahim quotes the hadith several times while arguing that Muhammad was dishonest whenever convenient (he took an "expedient view of lying 2009-02-26 · As for taqiyya’s cornerstone verse (3:28), Ryan, presuming the mantle of mufasir (exegete), and after quoting an English translation, writes: “The English ‘guard against’ is a translation of a verb that is taken from the same root as the word taqiyya but it has nothing to do linguistically with lying or deception [emphasis added].” Posted in Constitution, Deception Taqiyya Kitman, Hadith Sunna, Islam, Islamic Propaganda, jihad, NYC Monster Mosque, Qur'an, Sharia Muslim Leaders 'Reach Out' To The Western World: and drop tons of taqiyya on their heads TAQIYA. i. In Shiʿism.

First of all, you speak about Taqiyya like a whole chapter in the Quran is reserved for it, but if you actually saw a quran in you life, you would know that it wasn't mentioned in the Quran nor in any hadith. second of all, is deceit not required in war? it's been part of war since the beginning of time and will always be, only a traitor and a coward would tell the enemy what they want to know

In Taqiyya, the guidance given by Aimma(as) becomes easily discernible, as it falls apart from their teachings. The Ulama judge it by comparing the constant and continuous narrations received, with the Hadith and they also take into account the prevailing circumstances which lead them to understand the need for Taqiyya. The notion of taqiyya likewise had important implications for various facets of Shi’i hadith. In early Shi’i circles, for instance, great stress was laid on the principle that genuine Shi’i traditions should be concealed from strangers (kitman, taqiyya) and be propagated (idhdi’a) only among the faithful. 2009-07-25 · This Hadith is quite interesting with the reason being that had Al-Miqdad not practiced Taqiyya he would have been killed by the Pagan’s of Mecca which proves that at times the necessity of performing Taqiyya is of utmost importance. Sacred Deception -- Taqiyya - I’d like to talk to you about what I find a fascinating topic that is the topic of Islamic ethics, but in particular, a part of Islamic ethics which is called sacred deception or Taqiyya. 2015-11-12 · By Carol Brown.

Hadith består av berättelser om Profeten (Muhammed) och dennes Taqiyya eller Al-taqiyya innebär att muslimer har rätt/är skyldiga att inför  eller till sunna (sunna finner man i två skrifter — hadith och sira), som hänvisar till hur den perfekte kallas taqiyya, en form för heligt bedrägeri eller helig lögn. undgå förföljelse inrättades även taqiyya som innebär att shiiter vid behov kan dölja tillförlitligheten det som var avgörande för om en hadith skulle användas.
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Taqiyya hadith

Now there is another way in which a Muslim can lie.

A similar story relates how ʿAlī , the fourth caliph (ruler of the Muslim community) and Muhammad’s son-in-law, followed Muhammad’s advice to refrain from fighting until he had “the support of These scans are from Asool kaafi.
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In recent years, Islam – whether via the derivatives of 'Political Islam' or 'Islamism' – has come to be seen as an 'activist' force in social and political.

av S Holgersson · 2019 · Citerat av 4 — muntliga traditioner, vi har återberättarkedjor, vi har en hel hadith-vetenskap gällande autentiseringsgraden sin religion och gör man det kallas det för Taqiyya. fetlitteraturen (hadith-litteraturen). hadith som vägleder de lärdas ståndpunkt.

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16 Jan 2018 It is an art form as old as Islam itself. Historically speaking, the prophet Muhammad himself used taqiyya and deception many times to achieve his  Islam and jihad 8) The principle of al-Taqiyya.